Wednesday 21 November 2018

Idea graveyard or parking lot?

As part of the Business Relationship Management role we collect ideas, help form them and push them forward to maximise value but what happens to the ones that don't go forward? Put them in the "Idea Parking Lot" is one suggestion but practically how does this work and how do you manage it?

At Loughborough University we use a software tool to log our key engagements with the business and the ideas that emerge from them. Ones which are not progressed are put in the bucket "Closed not approved" trouble is its more an idea graveyard than a parking lot.

So how do we resolve this so ideas are not lost for eternity? We have started to tag them with key words to make sure they pop up if related ideas are proposed at a later date, they are also linked to the business unit and partner who we worked with at the time the idea was formed. Hopefully these changes will help resurrect the ideas where the time wasn't right and some proposed value can be brought back into planning.

How do you manage your unapproved ideas you capture as a BRM?

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